How soon can you start on my house?

That depends on how soon we get a signed contract, proposal and deposit back from the homeowner. Once we have all of the necessary information, we’ll be able to discuss a “start date” for your project and add you to own construction schedule. Ready to get the process rolling? Contact us. 

Do you provide free estimates?

It depends on the size of your project. For smaller projects, we use our free estimate as an opportunity to introduce ourselves and to learn more about you and your home. For larger projects, those that are design/build or house lifts, we put together a pre-proposal and build in the cost of the estimate. To discuss your project, please see our services and if you’re ready to work with us, we’d love to hear from you.  

Do you provide a fixed-price bid or do you estimate using time and materials?

We estimate using time and materials for all of our restoration and repair work. However, for new construction, starting from site planning all the way to certificate of occupancy, we can give you a solid bid. 

What’s the difference between a bid and an estimate?

A better word is a “guesstimate”, especially for restoration and repair work. You’ll often find that, by the time you actually see the damage, there’s more to be found when you remove the damaged areas. New construction is much more straight forward as everything is being done in sequence and there are rarely surprises.  

What type of work are you best known for?

Storybound is known for it’s quality work, regardless of what project we’re currently working on. However, we’re well known in the industry for our excellence and innovation in historic restoration, foundation repairs and house lifting.  

Do we need to be on-site during the remodel?

 It’s not a requirement. In fact, many of our remodel projects take place in “second homes” or “vacation homes” and the homeowners choose to live elsewhere during the remodel, choosing to visit on a regular basis. Obviously, if your project requires demolition, lifting or any of the utilities to be shut off for an extended period of time, the site will be uninhabitable. 

Who will be working on my project?

When we put together the estimates for our projects, we select th best team for the project from our crew of skilled craftsmen. Your project’s crew members will be identified in advance and you’ll have an opportunity to meet with them. Until that time, please visit the “Our Team” page to get to know our crew members. 

How experienced are your crew members?

Storybound only works with the highest quality craftsmen. Years of experience range from sixteen to sixty-two years of building expertise. We’re also dedicated to education and are proud to say that we have a training program called “Storybound Apprenticeship”, where we train individuals who have an interest in learning the building trades. They are part of our team and part of the Storybound family. To learn more about our crew members head over to the “Our Team” page.

How long will it take to complete my homw renovation?

 Once we set a home renovation or repair date, based on when we’ve received a signed proposal, contract and deposit, we will review the scope with you and determine a timeline for the project. Each project is unique and we want to be sure that we can meet your needs while honoring those of our other clients as well. Ready to get the process started? Contact us.

How Much does it cost to lift a house?

 Based on experience, the lift itself, is anywhere between $100,000- $170,000 but there are a number of others factors that are necessary to the process that can increase the price of the whole project. Feel free to read more about our lifting procedures and a break down of the process here.

What is Metrics tracking?

 “Metrics” are a form of cost analysis, which Storybound Construction, Inc. performs on every one of our projects. Every phase of the project is placed into a spreadsheet, along with proposed budget amounts, man-hours, etc. Basically, it’s a way for us to be able to inform you of just exactly where we’re at in your project, at any time. The metrics for your project will be included in your weekly project invoices.